Sponsorship Tiers
Marrano Macho / Macho Hog ($25,000+)
Naming Rights: "Roswell+Chaves County MatanzaFest presented by [Your Company]."
Prominent Logo Placement: On stage banners and event signage.
Speaking Opportunity: 5-minute speaking slot during a key part of the event.
Visual Recognition: Continuous recognition throughout the city and throughout the event (LED screens, yard signs, banners, etc.).
Verbal Recognition: Verbal recognition and banner on the Main concert stage.
Print Media: Company logo in magazine ads (e.g., Roswell the Magazine) and all printed materials.
Booth: Exclusive 20-foot booth space at a prime location to showcase products and initiatives.
Media Coverage: Recognition in all press releases, social media, and radio mentions.
Event Speaking: Opportunity to address the crowd during the opening and closing ceremonies.
Sponsor Highlight: Featured article or video on the Matanza website and social media.
Banner Placement: Prominent 5x10-foot banner.
Website: Company logo with a link to the company website on the MatanzaFest website (December 2024 – December 2025).
VIP Experience: 20 VIP tickets.
Promotional Materials: Option to offer branded promotional materials and giveaways.

Roswell+Chaves County Matanzafest Sponsorhip Tiers
Logo: Second-largest logo on promotional materials, banners, and event digital screens.
Booth: Exclusive 20-foot booth space at a prime location to showcase products and initiatives.
Frequent Recognition: Social media, press releases, and radio mentions.
Event Speaking: Opportunity to address the crowd at the Public Judging results announcement.
Banner Placement: 4x8-foot banner.
Media Coverage: Mention in selected press releases and media coverage.
Sponsor Feature: Social media post and inclusion in an event-related blog or article.
Website: Company logo with a link to the company website on the MatanzaFest site (December 2024 – September 2025).
VIP Experience: 15 VIP passes.
Promotional Materials: Option to offer branded promotional materials and giveaways.
2. Cochino Comandante / Pig Commander ($15,000 - $24,999)
3. Jefe Jabali / Boss Boar ($10,000 - $14,999)
Logo Placement: Logo on selected promotional materials, website, and digital displays.
Booth: 10-foot booth space to showcase products and initiatives.
Event Speaking: Opportunity to address the crowd at non-peak times during the event.
Verbal Recognition: Onsite verbal recognition during the event.
Banner Placement: 3x6-foot banner.
Group Recognition: Social media and website group recognition.
Website: Company logo with a link to the company website on the MatanzaFest site (December 2024 – June 2025).
VIP Experience: 10 VIP passes.
Promotional Materials: Option to offer branded promotional materials and giveaways.
4. Cerdo Máximo / Supreme Swine ($5,000 - $9,999)
Logo Placement: Logo on the event website and digital display.
Booth: 10-foot booth space to showcase products and initiatives.
Social Media: Multiple group thank-you mentions on social media recognizing all sponsors at this tier.
Group Recognition: Social media and website group mention.
Banner Placement: 2x4-foot banner.
Promotional Materials: Option to provide branded promotional materials and giveaways.
5. Puerco Presidente / Pork President / ($1,000 - $4,999)
Logo Placement: Logo on the event website and digital display.
Booth: 10-foot booth space to showcase products and initiatives.
Social media: Single group social media thank-you post recognizing sponsors at this tier.
Banner Placement: 2x4-foot banner.
Promotional Materials: Option to provide branded promotional materials and giveaways.
Key Differences in Value:
Naming rights, prominent logo placement, and speaking opportunities are the most valuable assets in the top-tier sponsorship, setting it apart.
Frequent recognition and booth placement are crucial for mid-tier sponsors to gain visibility.
Lower tiers focus more on group recognition and social media mentions with less frequent or prominent coverage.